Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rogue: Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout

Rogue is one of those breweries that I am not afraid to admit I am very biased with. I have had so few bad experiences (almost none) with their beer that I now always go into every new experience with them with the full belief that I will enjoy it. After making the decision to officially declare the month of March, Stout awareness month here at A Beer With Bergie, choosing their Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout was an obvious choice.

Appearance: Pours a deep brown and once settled becomes a rich black with a light brown head that remains throughout. Not only typical of oatmeal stouts but with Rogue beers in general, the head retains a solid presence throughout the entire beer...delicious looking.

Aroma: Roasted nuts with a hint of coffee. Hearty but pretty subtle as well. Some chocolate near the end. Dense aroma throughout but also hard to pick up due to the deepness of the brew.

Flavor: The initial flavor notes are bitter roasted coffee, earthy and hearty. Sits on the tongue like chocolate during the after taste. A bit more bitter than most oatmeal stouts that I've enjoyed which isn't bad, just surprising. Many of Rogues beers tend to have that stronger hop flavor to them anyway so it is still very enjoyable since they obviously know what they're doing.

The Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout from Rogue Ales has everything one could want from this style of beer. It is dark, rich and full of flavor. Though this particular oatmeal stout is a bit more bitter than I am used to, that does not take away the fact that this is yet another delicious offering from this great brewery. It would be perfect as a night cap or as a good companion to a steak dinner. The earthiness of this beer makes it a good addition to a cold winter night. An 8 out of 10 for this 6.8% ABV beer.

What I dig about Rogue is how DIY they have been throughout the years. From growing their own hops and barley, using local fresh water and minimal ingredients without preservatives or any additives, they are at the forefront of the craft beer revolution. Choosing to take matters into their own hands, they are ensuring the quality of their beer is consistent and it shows. They are not afraid to take risks when it comes to flavor profiles but they also know when to keep it simple and make a good beer. Be on the look out for more reviews on Rogue Ales in the near future.

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