Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Review- Kate the Great (Russian Imperial Stout) 2011: The Portsmouth Brewery.

After roughly 2 hours in line, standing in the cold, yet with child like exuberance for a beer that has existed merely as legend in my experience, I had high expectations. Kate was my muse and she was on her pedestal awaiting my arrival, at least that's how I felt anyway. Wait, she's seeing hundreds of other people? Men and women? What have I gotten myself into? Stouts warm the bones, they seduce the passionate side of beer lovers in that they exist as the fine chocolates in our world and we will flock to them with unadulterated determination to search out the one that challenges us, that makes our taste buds sing and our soul happy to be where we are with whoever we're there with.

Once Kate was placed in front of me, I felt like I was in for something special upon first sight. Slightly cool to the touch, she had a warm deep brown almost black color with a decent sized head, good light brown color and excellent lacing. Looked almost like a large shot of chocolate espresso.

We each take our time breathing in her vapors. Thick with rich chocolate overtones, earthy roasted malt aromas with a back drop of sweet fruit. Fine wine, with a deep woody smell. Complex.

After a toast we dive in, taking in every moment till it touches our lips and we close our eyes to let the real judge do the work. It's a silky smooth ride of rich coffee, molasses and malt. There are rich flavors of raisin, plum and port wine. The alcohol is present but even at 12%ABV, you still know you have a stout in your hands. There is a chocolate lacing that covers the tongue and it feels as though we are drinking a dessert. As the beer warms a little, it takes on a much more pronounced sweetness, like that of chocolate covered raisins, only worlds away from the store bought kind. It has a smooth and dry finish and you feel like you could easily pound down one after another but this beer is too special to rush. However when I'm done the first, I instinctively say yes when asked if I want another round. A decision I do not regret in the least and it's just as good as the first.
Kate showing her gratitude.

Now you may be asking yourself (though if you're a fellow beer snob you aren't), was it worth all of the hype? Was it worth waiting in line in the cold for two hours just for two beers? Well along with the experience of being a part of something so huge (which I will talk about in my next blog) the answer is yes! This beer was big and it was everything I could have imagined it to be. I guess it would be like one of those crazies finding Bigfoot for the first time and playing a game of basketball with him. I found Kate the Great and danced with her for a little while.

It lived up to every reason beer lovers flock to where they can find a good beer. To me it was a mythical beer, one I had always heard about but never found. That's right, I had found my 10. This beer was perfect in every way a beer could be, at least for a stout and it is impossible to find any criticism for it even in my cynical brain. I have heard that every year she changes her make up even with the same recipe and everyone has their opinions on her, so all we can do its wait with bated breath till next year.

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