Sunday, March 6, 2011

Official Declaration: March is Stout Awareness Month!

March: a month almost always associated with the one holiday that promotes drinking a few pints of Guinness at 9 in the morning. I am talking of course about St. Patrick's Day (as if you needed a hint) and in honor of the end of winter and this sacred catholic holiday turned American green beer fest as well as the release of Kate the Great tomorrow at the Portsmouth Brewery, I have opted to focus on one of my favorite styles of beer and declare March Stout Awareness Month!

For the remainder of the month, I will be featuring reviews on various stouts from some of my favorite breweries as well as some untapped territory. I will do my best to focus on various styles within this realm including some porters as well. 

Every month has it's cause, why not give the stout it's due. As if you needed another reason to enjoy this delicious style of beer, why not make it official. So tell your friends and spread the stout!

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