Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brew Dog: Dogma; an uprising of sorts.

As I sauntered back and forth along the beer cooler, looking for something to brighten up the rainy day and bring me back to life, it dawned on me that once again I had been caught in the dilemma. What to choose?

Scotland based Brew Dog has yet to let me down so when I glanced back across their assigned position in the cooler, I stopped, surveyed their selection of 22's and set my eyes on Dogma. An ale that claims to not be cool yet it is brewed with Scottish Heather Honey, kola nut, poppy seed and guarana. This sweet sounding, caffeine driven brew is not quiet by any means.

The aroma is a straight shot of 100% pure clover honey, spicy notes linger in the back but the honey remains dominant. Sweet and slightly boozy, the spicy hop notes come through on the end. The taste is sweet and spicy, complex and exotic and at the same time, welcome enough to please the finicky palate.

The honey aromas brighten a little as the beer warms and has an almost green tea like appeal to it. It finishes malty, sweet and bubbly. Not sure where the poppy seed comes in on either of the profiles but as a reckless practitioner of this world, I trust it has an important role.

An overall clean and sweet beer that packs a little buzz of energy and exotic fruits. Brew Dog may not be preaching to the choir on this one but they sure as hell could start a cult uprising.

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