Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Review: Hop Noir Black IPA: Peak Organic Brewing Co. 8.2% ABV

There is a spy in our midst! There are forces out there which seek to shake the very foundation of what every IPA drinker out there has built their adoration for hopped up beers on. These dark forces have become a sheep in wolves clothing if you will. An IPA that looks more like a porter?! Surely you can't be serious. I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. I'm calling a full on investigation of this impostor and I want answers dammit! We're calling to the stand witness #1. Hop Noir from Peak Organic Brewing Company. Just what do you think you're doing conning everyone into thinking you're an IPA, one of the most beloved styles of beer in the world. What's the meaning of this?!
This beer is officially Public Enemy #1 and I'm going to make sure it goes away for a long, long time. After some more investigation of course...

Appearance: Pours a deep silky brown with a thick beige head. Dark black, deep strong porter resemblance. Beautiful lacing.

Aroma: Light toffee with a hint of roasted coffee. Bitter and piney overtones from the centennial hops used.  Malty and thick smelling.

Taste: Malted, bitter roasted black espresso. Hints of fruit and a woody after taste. The hop presence is very dominant despite the deep black malt flavors. Well balanced like an over-hopped porter with a lingering resin like bitterness. Excellent smooth mouthfeel that is reminiscent of a strong American IPA. There is a coffee like presence that due to the style, lasts on the palate long after each sip.

Overall: What the F***?! I have confessed to being an IPA fanatic. Golden, light, crisp, palate destroying IPA's. Roasted malts in an IPA just doesn't seem right. But if this is wrong, then I'm about to swallow my pride. A solid 7.5-8/10. Somehow beer has managed to pull off the greatest con ever. I won't be pressing any charges.

Black IPA you say? What's next, you going to tell me your alibi is a black pilsner? Wait, Stone did a Black Pilsner collaboration you say? Well, ok that may check out but I'll have to bring him in for some questioning as well. We can't hold you for any longer since we can't officially charge you with anything but hear me, watch yourself Black IPA because wherever you are, Bergie will be there, waiting for you to slip up.

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